

We believe being sustainable and ethical is the way to go in fashion.

The Pomegranate Coven is looking towards circular fashion. We constantly strive for circularity where the products are made and recycled in a closed-loop system with bare minimum to zero waste. 

We put effort into creating long lasting and relevant products, however Pomegranate Coven isn’t about chasing trends, we focus on creativity and being unique. 

We design products with as few materials as possible. Creating those important limitations ensures we have as little impact in the fashion industry as possible and the fabric waste. The limited selection of fabrics we use ensures we focus on each product and it’s durability. 

To start, our T-shirts are made from 100% Bio Cotton and therefore fully recyclable. We are making our products with the aim to encourage sustainable sourcing, usage and disposal. We work with manufacturers that comply and are a part of the FAIR WEAR FOUNDATION.

The Pomegranate Coven is proudly made in the hustle and bustle of London. There is a long journey ahead of us and we are excited for you to #JoinTheCoven for the ride.

Plant it!

With every drop we become more and more sustainable. We are using 100% biodegradable tags which are packed with wildflower seeds.

The wildflower seeds include Meadow Buttercup, Ox-eye Daisy, Musk Mallow, White Champion, Yarrow and Meadow Grass.

When it comes to planting it is easy! Fill a small pot 2/3 the way. Place the seed tag on top and cover with about 1cm soil. Press down gently and give it a good watering. To ensure that the seeds germinate the soil needs to be kept moist for the first 10 days. Once the green shoots appear keep the soil moist but don’t overwater. That’s is! From here water as needed and enjoy the flowers.